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Medicare Parts
Find the right plan for you
THE ABC's and D's of Medicare

Medicare Supplement plans are tagged with letters of the alphabet such as: A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N.
Most states have these plans and are offered through private health care insurers.  These plans have different costs and coverages. Contact Bridget, Licensed Insurance Agent and we will review the options to learn together what is right for you. We all have different needs and expectations. A review is essential for a successful coverage plan based on your individual healthcare costs and needs. What is right for your friend or neighbor may not actually be right for you. We are going to explore these differences to match up the right plan for you in Colorado.


Medicare Part A
Inpatient. You are eligible at age 65 or older.


Medicare Part B Outpatient. This part helps with medical costs.


Medicare Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage or Medicare Complete.


Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage with gap or supplement coverage.

Inpatient Hospital Stays
Medicare Part A is in hospital coverage with skilled nursing and hospice. May or may not have a premium (amount will depend on income and/or years worked.)
Outpatient Services
Medicare Part B is outpatient or out of hospital care and services. Has a premium (amount will depend on income and/or years worked.)
Medicare Advantage & Medicare Complete
Medicare Part C Is also known as Medicare Advantage or Medicare Complete. This combines your care and coverage. Will most likely include your prescription drug coverage. Qualification for this coverage is active A and B parts. Is provided by private insurance companies that contract with Medicare to enhance your benefits and your financial protections. With our guidance these options will make sense as to if it is the right type of coverage for you as these options or availability are specific to your area. Let’s go over them and see what’s right for you. I am here to help you decide and know the options.
Outpatient Perscription Drugs
Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage and is provided by private insurance. You will need this coverage with a supplement or gap coverage but not necessarily with a Part C or Medicare Advantage plan as this is commonly included in your coverages. When you enroll in Part D can affect your premiums as a late start can cause a monthly cost. The amount you have spent on medications will affect future costs. If you have a lower income you may qualify for assistance or cost savings. We will go over this at our time of meeting because picking the right plan is essential to ensure your drugs are covered in the plan.

The Annual Enrollment Period

There is no charge for this service or to attend a class. I am so happy to provide it free of charge to my customers and any others who request it. Also, this is all done with no obligation to purchase anything from me.

Oct 15th - Dec 7th
every year

You can change from your current plan to any other one that is offered in your area at this time.

REVIEW Perscription Drugs

Companies change their coverage amounts every year. A drug that is covered one year may not be covered the next. 

Change in

Your prescriptions might have changed in the past year, meaning that a different plan might suit your personal situation.

New Company,
New Plans

New companies come or leave the market each year. A new company might offer a better option for your specific coverages.

Get Started Today

Compare plans, prices, and no cost reviews with Bridget, Licensed Insurance Agent. Some plans may offer additional coverage. We will review and discover the right plans and coverages for you.