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Medicare advantage plans
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Medicare advantage is a private insurance option that can enhance your Medicare benefits and can include extra benefits.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
PPO Plans allow for network doctors, other health providers and hospitals. In network is essential to pay less.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
This is a health maintenance plan. A network or organization provides health insurance coverage for a monthly or annual fee.
Private Fee For Service (PFFS)
Different than the original Medicare or Medigap. This plan determines how much it will pay doctors or other health care providers.
Medical Savings Account (MSA)
This plan combines a high deductible insurance plan with a medical savings plan.
Special Needs Plan (SNP) also Dual or Medi-Medi in Colorado
Similar to HMO or PPO, this plan is tailored benefits, to meet the needs of each client. For those with special conditions, contact Bridget, Licensed Insurance Agent to find out if you qualify for more savings.

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Compare plans, prices, and no cost reviews with Bridget, Licensed Insurance Agent. Some plans may offer additional coverage. We will review and discover the right plans and coverages for you.