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Medicare classes
We Are Here To Assist You
Medicare Courses

Get Better Medicare will help you answer all your questions, figure out what plan is perfect for you, help you navigate through the medicare system, and make sure you receive the right care. 

Topics to Review:

Navigating through the Medicare System is difficult. Get Better Medicare is here to assist. Medicare Courses will help you navigate with ease.

What Now?

I am becoming eligible for medicare. How do I enroll? What are my next steps?

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Do I Qualify?

Do I qualify for Medicare? Attend Medicare Courses or Contact us to learn more. 

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How do I enroll?

Attend Medicare Courses to learn how to navigate through the system.

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What plan do I need?

Do I need Plan A & B and what are Plan C & D? Get all your questions answered by Bridget Dohorty, Licensed Insurance Agent.

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Traditional Medicare?

Should I get Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage? What is the right plan for me?

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What is RX Gap?

Will the donut hole or RX Gap affect me? What medicare prescription plan is right for me?

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Class or group schedule

For a requested no cost meeting or a classroom setting and learning environment I will go to your group as I have been doing for many years as your Medicare advocate. Learn about how Medicare works when you sign up, review your options, ensure your understanding and right decision making with your friends and peers. I will travel to you or you to me plus phone or virtual is available. Let me know how best to serve your community’s needs. 

Get Started Today

Compare plans, prices, and no cost reviews with Bridget, Licensed Insurance Agent. Some plans may offer additional coverage. We will review and discover the right plans and coverages for you.